Ozana – the daily center
The center organizes different activities designed for disabled people from the age of 16 upwards. They are of rehabilitative-therapeutic nature, depending on individual needs and capabilities of the attendants. Rehabilitative – therapeutic activities Intended to raise the level of self-confidence and creative expression, as well as motoric and social skills, they are conducted through : 1. Handicraft workshops, including making dolls, making children toys (tailoring and sowing), knitting, embroidery and weaving, wool fleesing, sowing 2. Ceramics workshops, including modelling and making objects in clay (vases, ashtrays, pendulants, religious objects, boxes et c) 3. Art workshops, including painting (different techniques), cards making (invitations, religious, birthday), cotton shirts painting, making candles using natural wax 4. Independent life workshop, including taking care of oneself (personal hygiene, health, nutrition, getting dressed), maintaining the living space tidy and clean, taking care of plants with the essential knowledge of botanics, a cooking course 5. Drama section, including acting skills and singing, organising plays connected with religious holidays and other events like INKAZ 6. Music workshops, including rhythm and coordination drills, rhythm games, individual singing, group singing 7. Shop window decoration workshop, including cleaning shop windows, making decorative objects, window shop curtains painting, arranging shop windows 8. Sports activities are held in a nearby park during spring and summer months, to make attendants do some exercises to keep them as fit as possible. Organized swimming. Social type programs include: celebrating birthdays, celebrating religious and national holidays, organising exhibitions, one day trips to the country side, summer and winter vacation. The programs are conducted with the help of the parents and the employees of the organization, through parents meetings, individual consults, individual improvement of the employees of the center, cooperation with social services, exchaniging experiences with similar organizations in Zagreb.